julho 10, 2016


It is so sweet that no words can describe
Words were never enough to describe feelings
Maybe feelings are the only meaningful expression of history
When your soul find mine
When your eyes bright into my broken eyes of tears
You will see the first light

The ship has just come down
We come from a distant galaxy and lost our way
and the return is much more long lasting
Because we do not hurry to return
We will be wandering among our fluids and high spirits
The intensity is pure and heavenly
and all I want is the touch of your existence in the face
of mine
The only fuel to keep awake from this dream

We do not need anything
Walking is immense
Stones will cut our feet
but the walk is deep
There in the westbound
among the green fields of ponies and winged horses,
we will meet in front of the stars burst shooting!

(Joyce Martins)


When the world went down in flames
I saw your almost spread wings on the ground
and your face in pain mirrored the immensity of the air
I had no strength to continue the journey
where the worlds were discussed by forces of discord and injustice

Never heard already spoken what was Love
It was just a fake utopia
Never heard already spoken of God
It was only a cloud on stormy day
(Tears were larger than human ignorance
and pain, latent until often meaningless or restrictions...)

When the world went down in flames
I touched your hand and pulled you into my world
for the only horizon that was left me
I did not have much to offer
but had the dignity and courage of a King

God showed that two pieces can make one
and the waters that bathe the eastern rivers right now
Dawning tulips and lilacs
Where your tears welled up in despair
and now that fear became in Fortress
and the scars in touch of Peace!

(Joyce Martins)

junho 26, 2016


While your eyes meet mine
there will be no war, and the only cry that we exalt
It will be wet as a Sunday afternoon in bed
between sheets and our intertwined pleasures of last night's lust
As long as your mouth penetrated mine
there will not be pain and even destructive event will not break our smiles
our minds will be ready as a programmed computer
never shut down and will burn in endless flames
While there is your your in mine
there will be no occurrence of domestic violence and not something that disturb the sleep of a child
will our souls which will guide humanity to the dimension of eternity
We are mythological beings merged into one spirit
and our minds dance madly away from the fury of our viewers
hungry for the slip of land that move the disappointment and neglect
Are we winning this battle, is what everyone asks
but the strength is before our eyes meet,
our pain that stops by our mouths
and our souls like a prayer you do two in one body
and see individual letters in clouds forming one sense:

(Joyce Martins)

março 28, 2016


Ofereça suas mãos para primeira Luz que tocar aos seus,
Uma explosão mental tornará os campos, uma imensidão de relva dourada como um abrigo de paz!

Caminhaste obscuro quando o verde ainda estava para nascer
E os pastos eram só areias fetidas próximo a um pântano de ilusões.

A primeira pedra foi jogada
E quando a Luz chegou
nas cicatrizes que sangravam pelas perdas e das circunstâncias infelizes,
Fizeram brotar na areia
Gotas de sangue vivo,
As últimas na face de um grandioso rubi a luz do Sol.

(Joyce Martins)

março 27, 2016


In the darkness there was only a piece of paper, the ground in pieces and dressed in rags , she was lost, the unnamed girl, with those crooked teeth and knotted arms... at last saw the light that sparkled in the holes of her window ...There were no doors and the cage was rusty and full of angry shadows like Plato's cave ... She saw the shadows and the awakening of Light, although distant and a assortment hole, there was a friend and a confession awakened her to courage, shelter and hunger... Ridding evil and pies chains, she knelt and said : "Goodbye, follows" and held his hand! Shadows were dead , dead walls became , with Light rising, Far and away from the cage that crumbled with the new journey of the girl without a name in search of one way tied to hands warm by the Creator of love ...

(Joyce Martins)


Na escuridão havia apenas um pedaço de papel
O chão em cacos e vestida em trapos, estava perdida
A menina sem nome
De dentes tortos
E de braços atados ao passado
Viu a luz que cintilava nos buracos de sua janela
Não havia portas e a gaiola estava enferrujada do passado
E como a caverna de Platão
Ela viu as sombras e o despertar da Luz
Embora distante e num buraco sortido
Ali havia um amigo
E a confissão despertou-a coragem, abrigo e fome
Livrando-se do mal
E das correntes tortas 
Ela ajoelhou-se e disse:
Adeus, segue contigo e segurou sua mão!

Sombras mortas,
paredes mortas,
Luz consequente,
Distante e ausente
Da gaiola que esfarelava 
com a nova jornada 
da garota sem nome
em busca de um só caminho
atada a mãos aquecidas 
pelo amor do Criador...

(Joyce Martins)

fevereiro 23, 2016


Eu sou a água
E você, o fogo
Eu sou Smiths
E você, Stones
Eu aqueço
E você foge...

Memórias não são somente lembranças
Não preciso da fotografia de tua face
Pois ela está gravada em minhas entranhas
E o que era doença agora tornou-se uma dor silenciosa...

Eu sou a Rosa da morte.
E você, Esperança em vida,
Eu sou Filosofia
E você, é apenas um ator,
no espectro das ninfas do mar,
Vai embora tudo,
Só fica a memória de sua ausência...

(Joyce Martins)