For three nights, for three years and for three weeks,
The Fairy went to the mountains to meet the mysterious poet monk
She, in her sacred mantle, healed the World pain and made tribute
of his existence with the most beautiful symphonies:
- Magical Writings that arose as a 'thank you'
for his friendship and support ...
The little Fairy had amazing powers, but never knew alone
climb the highest mountain without help from the poet monk who became
an inspiration in her life ...
"Some may think it was Love,
Other, Devotion,
Other, solitude! "
Until one day, the little Fairy discovered her Mission of life
had been fulfilled and taken her heart by the highest hill,
By simple respect for the Human Being,
Universal Brotherhood!
"The time had come to leave and follow other homes and different airs ..."
Trapped in a cocoon for years,
A cursed and misunderstood cocoon!
The magical powers then made her tears
in beautiful wings and a blue butterfly was born
on a so far horizon, colorful of Peace!
(Joyce Martins)